Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Look at Me, I'm 6

She's been telling people for months that she is 5 1/2 years old. Now Sophie can say she's a 6 year old. What a day she planned for us. It started with waffles, but she didn't want homemade, she wanted the kind that go in the toaster.
We played Snorta. It holds her attention for just the right amount of time. Then it's off to the next thing. That next thing was watching Horton Hears A Who.
She chose a spaghetti dinner and made name place cards for us. Somehow Sophie and Chloe got the most important seats at the table. ;)
Rachel made the princess rose cake last night. It must have been late for all of us because we didn't notice anything odd about it until today when we took it out. Can you see anything strange?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always have a birthday happy too :-) Rachel the cake looks beautiful, you did a great job!