Monday, December 20, 2010

The Mazda Transformed Into A Hatchback

A few weeks ago on a Sunday morning John dropped Rachel off at work and was sitting at a red light when he looked up in his rear view mirror to see 2 headlights bearing down on him. The car hit him, sending him sailing through the intersection, and took off. Our car was hit so hard it bent the frame of the drivers seat, broke the back axle, and removed the trunk. Needless to say, it's a goner. We loved that car too. John is thankful he was not more severely hurt. He has a case of whiplash and back pain. The policeman who came to the scene could not believe the other car could have even taken off because of the damage done to our car.
After the car was towed we went into Rachel's workplace and found out a couple of employees had witnessed the accident. They told us which way the hit and run car had gone. In the meantime the policeman followed the trail of leaking fluids and found the car a couple blocks away behind a strip mall. He went to the owner's home and told us he thought it was a boyfriend of the owner who had been driving the vehicle. A few days later she reported it stolen.
This is not good news for us. We did not have collision on the car and because she reported the car stolen, we get nothing. The police are still investigating. Stink.

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